
Cringeworthy Resume Content

I've read thousands of resumes and cover letters through the years and a few terms immediately come to mind when I think of cringe-worthy phrases or words.

Have you ever read something on a resume (even your own) that made you cringe?

Perhaps you started to read or write a resume and wanted to stop reading, and pull out your red pen and start crossing things out?

Here are just a few of the “cringe-worthy” words and phrases that I have encountered on a client’s resume. DO NOT MAKE THESE MISTAKES!

"Detail-oriented, results-oriented, accomplishment-oriented, sales-oriented, numbers-oriented, people-oriented." 

These overused and underwhelming phrases do nothing to help your resume. Instead, try to identify unique personality traits, soft skills, or performance numbers to use in your resumes summary section.

"Think outside the box".

Many people claim to be active contributors, and perhaps you are one of them! Instead of “Think outside the box” choose “innovation” and back it up with projects or work you've done that proves it. Be sure to use numbers to highlight success and really pop off the page.

"Excellent. Well-rounded. Team-player."

These phrases are subjective and just your opinion of yourself. Add something more concrete that responds to what the position needs.

"Responsible for, handled, managed, managed, managed".

There are ways to show you led a team without repeating words or using outdated jargon. Try: led, directed, guided, headed, built, grew, spurred, championed, bootstrapped, or delivered to create interest and minimize repetitive verbs.

"I, I, I, I, I."

As hard as it may be, don't let every sentence of your cover letter start with "I". Start with keyword action phrases or an interesting work-related (brief) story.